Speed Comparison

Comparison of web technologies for speed (almost unoptimized)

Not being a professional web developer, but just toying with the various technologies available, I just wanted to compare a few of them for what concerns pure speed. For this, I used the web site GTMetrix.

I run the test comparing five web sites, this one which is authored in Hugo, and a few others presented in other articles in these pages. The SaF IT Services is a simple Bootstrap single page web site, and the other three are wordpress sites, two of which are hosted on freely provided names and web space, also discussed here,

The results are quite astonoshing, and clearly in favour of Hugo. The Bootstrap web site suffers from the fact of having to import a lot of CSS and JS which is in the end unused. The Wordpress sites perform very poorly in comparison, especially the one with a big front page.

These are the results:

The Winner: Hugo!


Runner Up: Unoptimized Bootstrap single page


On pair: Wordpress blog sites on free hosting plans

Apprenons Python Data Science blog

Last: Wordpress platform to collect ideas

Idées Suspendues

Other comparison

I decided to give a go also at Google PageSpeed Insights, and I submitted the same websites. The table below summarizes the scores.

Website Technology Score
https://anfe67@github.io Hugo 94
https://safits.be Bootstrap 84
http://apprenons-python.c1.biz/ Wordpress 46
http://antonio-ferraro.eu5.net/ Wordpress 42
https://ideessuspendues.be Wordpress 37


Well, there is a small learning curve for Hugo, as for everything. If you want to obtain any form of results, then you will have to do your homework. But after less than a day you should be able to go online with your blogging presence. After that, everything will be much faster than in other platform. And your web site will perform better than those produced with the same effort using other “easier” platforms. However, a lot depends on what you really want to do, and on the template you select. There are many available out there, and the first choice to make is to understand which one is good for you and which one will give you all the features you need. The next step after that, is to learn how to customize a template or make your own.

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Authored By Anto

Anto likes to learn. This website was produced while learning Hugo. This and all other articles here are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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